DeWet Nel is a reputable Steel Structure Manufacturer in South Africa
A steel structure is preferred to all former traditional types of building materials due to its advantageous features such as being rust resistant, be stronger than any other building material and be strong enough to endure adverse weather conditions such as storms, strong winds and tsunamis.
A high quality steel structure will have an extremely long quality lifespan, be pre-treated in order to perform better and be of better quality steel making it lighter, stronger and generally tougher.
A reputable steel structure manufacturer will offer high quality steel at competitive rates, professional labourers and representatives of the company that can assist you in every way possible and deliver quality service on a permanent basis, have years of experience within the field of construction and deliver the best service as customer satisfaction would be their first priority.
De Wet Nel construction is one such reputable steel structure manufacturer, as we pride ourselves in not only our product, but our diligence in providing excellent service at competitive rates at all times. Phone us today at (016) 931-9737 to see how we can be of assistance to you and your steel structure needs.